How To Get Smoke Smell Out Of Leather Jacket: Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Any Smoke Smell


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How To Get Smoke Smell Out Of Leather Jacket

Do you often smoke or stay around people who smoke, and the smell gets to your jacket? Don’t worry, it’s possible to get the cigarette smoke out of your leather jacket.

Getting smoke smell out of leather jacket can be done in several ways. Some of the most common ones include using a leather cleaner, baking soda, white vinegar, charcoal, rubbing alcohol, and more.

In this article, you’ll get to know all about the different types of smoke smells that affect your leather jacket, how to get smoke smell out of leather jacket, and more. Continue reading to know all the answers that you’ve been looking for.

Different types of smoke smells that affect your leather jacket

As leather is a porous material, smoke can easily get trapped through the pores and linger around for days. If you vape or smoke cigarettes, pipe, or a cigar near your leather jacket, they can absorb smoke. Further, your leather jacket can carry around that smell for days to come. Due to the porous nature of leather, different types of smoke smells can easily permeate leather jackets. Here is a list of some typical smoke types that affect your leather jackets –

  • Smoke from cigarettes 
  • Smoke from cigars
  • Smoke from exhausts
  • Smoke from pipes
  • Smoke from vapes
  • Smoke from fires
  • Smoke from barbecues 
  • Smoke from fireplaces 

Smoke can easily discolor the leather in your jackets over time, reduce its shine, dry it out, and make it sticky. Perhaps the biggest negative is that it leaves a lingering, unpleasant smell if not treated. If you notice that your leather jacket is smelling like cigarette smoke or smoke of any other type, act quickly. It’ll allow you to easily remove the smell before it has had the chance to fully penetrate the leather jacket.

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How to get smoke smell out of leather jacket?

Here are some of the tried and tested methods designed to help you get rid of all types of smoke smell from your leather jacket. So without further ado, let’s begin with the list.

Method 1: By using a leather cleaner

One of the simplest ways to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket is by using a leather cleaner. Leather cleaners are designed for penetrating the leather pores for removing all kinds of impurities, including smoke.

Therefore, it’ll be a highly ineffective way to get rid of cigarette smoke from your leather jacket. Whether you wish to remove smoke from your leather jacket or from your leather bag, a high-quality leather cleaner will help you achieve it.

How to use leather cleaner to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket?

Buy a high-quality leather cleaner and apply it to the entire surface of your leather jacket. You can either use a sponge or a clean lint-free cloth. Be sure that you’re applying an even, light coat of leather cleaner to all the areas, especially the nooks and crevices of the jacket. 

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You’ll be able to wipe away any excess product using another clean cloth and then buff it to a shine. It’s advised that you should focus on cleaning the larger areas of your jacket, as they’ll trap the most smoke.

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Method 2: By using white vinegar and water

A mixture of white vinegar and water goes a long way in clearing away any smoke smell from your jacket. Vinegar is a great disinfectant and deodorizer that can easily remove lingering smoke smell from leather by easily neutralizing it.

This method will work best for deodorizing your leather jacket. However, you should dilute the vinegar solution according to the instructions, or it might damage the leather’s texture.

How to use water and white vinegar to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket?

Take a cup of vinegar and then mix it with a cup of water. Now, take a sizable soft, lint-free fabric and then lightly dampen it in the vinegar-water solution. Slowly rub the vinegar-water mixture all over the surface of your leather jacket using a moist clean cloth.

Ensure that you aren’t saturating the cloth with water, as it can significantly damage leather. After a single coating of application of the mixture, allow your leather jacket enough time to dry. After drying, you’ll notice the smoke smell coming from your leather jacket subsiding.

After you’ve dried the jacket, you should use a leather conditioner for renourishment. It’ll help you ensure that the leather doesn’t dry or end up getting damaged from the vinegar-water solution.

Method 3: By using coffee grounds

Coffee grounds have a very distinct smell that can mask smoke and cigarette smell with ease. They work very similarly to baking soda, and they can be used for not just leather jackets but also for purses, leather bags, and wallets.

How to use coffee grounds to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket?

Fill up a paper bag, a sock, or a stocking with coffee grounds. Place this bag, sock, or stocking near the leather jacket where the most intense smell is coming from. Allow the coffee grounds to stay there for a day or so to eliminate the smoke odor. The longer you’re leaving the coffee grounds in/near your jacket, the more effective the smoke odor removal will be. Just make sure that you are using enough coffee grounds when you’re using this method.

Method 4: Using rubbing alcohol and water solution

Some people just don’t like the smell of vinegar and are looking for an alternative that’ll neutralize the smoke smell. If you want an alternative to use vinegar, you can even use a solution of rubbing alcohol and water.

Rubbing alcohol might be a bit of a risky option if it has been applied incorrectly to the leather product. However, it’s still an effective way to get smoke smells off your leather articles. 

How to use rubbing alcohol and water to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket?

Mix one part rubbing alcohol with one part water in a bowl. Then, take a clean, soft, and lint-free cloth and dampen it in the mixture slightly. Apply the cloth all over the surface of your leather jacket, making sure you’re targeting the larger and more exposed areas.

After applying the mixture to all nooks and crevices, allow the leather jacket to dry and repeat the process if the smoke smell still persists. Remember that you must apply a layer of leather conditioner to your leather jacket once it is dry and odor-free.

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How To Get Smoke Smell Out Of Leather Jacket - Cleaning Harley Davidson Jacket With Alcohol

Method 5: Using desiccants

Desiccants like silica gel are extremely effective in getting the smoke smell out of your leather jacket. Silica gel is known for absorbing any moisture and bad smell from surroundings, including smoke. This method works best for leather jackets, leather bags, leather wallets, and leather shoes that have persistent cigarette smells.

How to use desiccants to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket?

Silica gel commonly comes in small packets. These packets are placed in specific areas to avoid any musty and bad odor. To use a desiccant like silica gel, you should just place the packet or multiple packets inside the leather jacket for a couple of days.

The biggest advantage of using silica gel packets will be that you’ll be able to use your leather jacket without needing to empty the pockets. As desiccants can easily draw smoke smells and vital oils from your jacket, you must condition it afterward.

Method 6: Using charcoal

Very similar to baking soda, charcoal will be an excellent deodorizer for leather jackets. It can help you eliminate all kinds of smoke odors from your leather jackets, especially cigarette smoke. It’ll be a great way of getting rid of smoke smells, especially from items like leather jackets, bags, and wallets.

How to use charcoal to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket?

It is advised that you should set a large bowl of charcoal near your leather jacket for about 2-3 days. During that period, charcoal will gradually absorb all the smoke odors. Ultimately, it will leave your leather jacket smelling fresh and clean.

You’ll find this simple method to be extremely effective in getting the cigarette smell out of your leather jacket. Remember, leaving the leather jacket enclosed in a room with a bowl full of charcoal increases its absorption effect.

Method 7: Using leather deodorizer

One of the easiest ways to remove any smoke smells from your leather jackets will be to use a high-quality leather deodorizer. A leather deodorizer will help eliminate the unpleasant cigarette smoke from your leather items, as it neutralizes the smell.

How to use a leather deodorizer to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket?

There are two types of leather deodorizers commonly found in the market – spray and stick deodorizers. If the cigarette smell is on the surface of your leather jackets, it’s suggested that you should use a spray leather deodorizer.

All you’ve to do is spray the deodorizer onto the leather jacket and use a cloth to wipe it clean. A stick deodorizer would be more effective if it was used for leather bags or shoes for eliminating pungent cigarette odor.

Method 8: Using baking soda

Baking soda ranks as one of the best deodorizers, as it can absorb smoke and other stenches from leather jackets. Using baking soda is easily one of the most preferred methods for removing smoke from leather jackets, bags, shoes, wallets, and keychains. It is also one of the most cost-effective smoke neutralizers on the market.

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How to use baking soda to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket?

Take a bit of baking soda from the kitchen and pair some of it into a Ziploc bag. Now, place the opened bag of baking soda in your leather jacket to get the smoke smell out of it.

Leave the bag inside your jacket for about a day or two so that it completely absorbs the smoke smell. Make sure that you never apply baking soda directly onto the outer surface of your leather jacket. Otherwise, it can end up changing its pH level, which could further lead to discoloration and damage.

For smaller leather articles like wallets or keychains, you can place them inside a paper bag and an open Ziploc bag carrying baking soda. Then, seal it from the top. Leave the article to absorb the smoke smell for a day or two. You must ensure that the baking soda doesn’t come in contact with the leather surface.

Method 9: Using Leather conditioner

Typically, it is recommended that you should use a leather conditioner after applying one of the methods mentioned above. However, that doesn’t mean leather condition in itself isn’t a decent method. The cleaning and fragrance ingredients in a leather conditioner are capable of removing the smoke smell from leather jackets.

How to use a leather conditioner to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket?

Using a soft, clean, and lint-free cloth, apply a layer of leather conditioner to your leather jacket. Make sure that you’re targeting the areas with the smoke smell. Moreover, you should give ample drying time for your jacket to dry after application. You will notice that the smoke smell eventually subsides, and your leather jacket is renourished and free of smoke.

Method 10: Using ventilation

If it has just been a brief time that your leather jacket got exposed to the smoke smell, ventilation will be a great solution. It’ll be a natural way of eliminating any smoke smell and odor. Ventilation works well for all types of leather products, including a jacket. It’s recommended that you should ventilate your leather jacket after using any of the methods listed above for better results.

How to use ventilation to remove the smoke smell from your leather jacket?

Place your leather jacket in an open, dry, and breezy environment. For better results, turn on a fan and direct it towards a door or window, keeping the jacket near the back of the fan. It will sweep any stale and smoky smell while breathing fresh air from the windows. It is recommended that you should avoid any damp, stale, and excessively sunny areas for ventilation.


Thank you for reading. Hopefully, now you know a lot more about the different types of smoke smells that affect your leather jacket, how to get smoke smell out of a leather jacket, and more. Getting the annoying smoke smell out of your leather jacket is actually easier than you think, and it can be done in multiple ways. Some of the most common ones include using a leather cleaner, baking soda, white vinegar, charcoal, rubbing alcohol, and more.

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